An ITF entry refers to the membership of tennis players to the International Tennis Federation or ITF. The International Tennis Federation is the governing body of tennis, as well as beach tennis and wheelchair tennis. Previously called the International Lawn Tennis Federation, the organization was founded in 1913. During the establishment of the organization, they only have twelve known associations. Today, they have over 200 associations, both national and regional.

Rules and Regulations of ITF Entry

There are various rules and regulations for ITF entry. Depending on what kind of tour a tennis player wants to join, each has its own rules that the player needs to comply with. The ITF World Tennis Tour Regulations are ITF entry regulations that comprise all world tennis tour of ITF for junior tournaments, Men’s ITF world tennis tour tournaments, and women’s ITF world tennis tour tournaments.

Different Categories for ITF Entry

There are various categories for tennis that a player can join. Depending on his or her qualifications, these players need to comply with the requirements set forth by the rules and regulations of ITF entry for them to be able to compete. These are the various categories for ITF entry:

  • Men’s ITF World Tennis Tour – Opento all-male tennis player, thiscategory is based on merit andwithout discrimination, governed tothe conditions set forth by therules and regulations of ITF WorldTennis Tour, section III-A andAppendix B. Tennis players under theage of 14 will not be eligible forthis ITF entry.
  • Women’s ITF World Tennis Tour – therequirements set by ITF World TennisTour for Men’s provide similar ITFentry compliance for women.
  • ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors – Thiscategory is open for players thatare born between January 1, 2002,and December 31, 2007. Players areallowed to compete once they reachthe age of 13, but no more than 18years of age.
  • ITF Seniors Regulations – Playersthat are under the national tennisassociation affiliated to ITF iseligible to compete with anycompetition under this category.There are various age groups underthis category that a player cancompete starting from age 35 andover.
  • ITF Wheelchair Tennis Regulations –This category for ITF entry is opento creating opportunities forwheelchair athletes to play andcompete for all levels of thissport.
  • ITF Beach Tennis Regulations–Thiscategory aims to provide and developopportunities for men, women, andchildren to participate in alllevels of recreational andcompetitive beach tennis.