In Madrid, the two top male players of the tennis world went head to head for a charity series. During the event, Rafael Nadal successfully defeated Roger Federer in a 7-6(3), 4-6, 6-1 game, which evened out the series.

During the match Nadal delivered a powerful angled forehand across the court right in front of a full capacity audience at the Caja Magica sports arena which included a number of Spain’s dignitaries.

According to Nadal, Roger Federer’s decision to play in the country has been a generous gesture in order to raise finances for those who are in need.

Federer replied that it was a wonderful thing that Rafael Nadal is already supporting various charity works “at such a young age.”

Nadal said during the interview, “I just can say thank you very much to Roger to come here to Madrid and support my Foundation today… I did yesterday, and both of us are very happy that we can finally have this event and raise a lot of money for these kids. I know with what we’re going to raise yesterday and today, it’s not going to be decisive for that, but it will be a help and if everybody is convinced that everybody can help, it’s going to be important to improve a little bit this world.”

Before the match, Federer had defeated Nadal in a 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 match, which was held in Zurich, Switzerland.

Maree cartujano
Sports Pundit staff writer
Sports writer and editor....

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