In January of 2007, the most ridiculous contract in sports history was signed by British soccer (football) superstar David Beckham. Beckham had been playing in Spain for Real Madrid. It’s not the fact that Beckham left Real Madrid to sign for somebody else. It’s not even the reported $250 million dollars he is to receive over the next five years. No what makes this contract so ridiculous is where he signed to play.
He turned down prestigious offers to join other major British and European clubs to sign with the LA Galaxy of the MLS. The MLS?? Does anyone know what the MLS is?
This is nothing more than a great athlete and icon selling out. Soccer will never be a truly recognized sport in North America. Look at the past attempts to bring European superstars to this part of the world. German great Franz Beckenbauer played in THE NOW DEFUNCT NASL during the 70’s. Pele also had a stint in North America with very little fanfare. But the truth be known, on this side of the planet, soccer is still regarded as the sport little kids play. Moms bring them to their games in mini vans and help cut up the oranges at half time.
David should be ashamed of himself, selling out on the part of the world that made him rich and famous. Beckham already has a reported net worth of over $169 million dollars along with his former Spice Girl wife Victoria. He doesn’t need the money and he knows damn well he will not change the face of soccer in North America. In fact, OJ Simpson has a better chance of finding the real killers than Beckham has of making soccer a legitimate sport on this side of the globe.
Now to top it off, his wife Victoria (or Posh Spice) is releasing a one hour special called “Coming to America.” She is quoted as saying “I hope they like my TV show.” Well Vikki, let this armchair sportsfan be the first to tell you, the only way I’m going to like it is if you are wearing a thong and the show airs on the Playboy channel.
She goes on to say “I hope they like me.” Well I hate you already.
Agree or disagree, I’m off the goalpost.