To the uninitiated, golf may seem very complicated. Aside from the rules and regulations, there are also terminologies that one must get familiar with. Then there are, of course, golfing terms that are almost obsolete as they were used over a century ago.

One of these golf oldies is the “baffing spoon”. Many years ago, golfers preparing to play their first shot would be instructed to reach for a baffing spoon. The baffing spoon is a term for an approach wood or a lofted wood. It is also known as a ‘Baffie’ or ‘Baffy’.

The baffing spoon is a Fairway wood and has become obsolete like other golf clubs, such as brassies, niblicks, and jiggers. Golfers stopped using these obsolete clubs in the 1930s when the numbered sets of irons were introduced by the Spalding Sporting Goods Company.