TO Missing at start of 3 day mandatory camp.

TO Missing at start of 3 day mandatory camp.

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evan United States Profile image 100x100
# 1

I dont really care who you are, if your on a team that means you help your team out even if that means going and doing things you just might not like.

smitty United States Profile image 100x100
# 2

I wonder if there is more going on here than just family issues. I do think he gets privileges others do not but then most teams treat their big stars with a lot less firmness. There is no doubt the man has talent. If they could just duct tape his mouth it would make for a more enjoyable game! Smitty

Lord Stanley United States Profile image 100x100
# 3

I think that Football and sports as a whole have always had those loudmouth players like TO who are constantly running their mouths off. So, in a way I think he is just keeping a long-standing tradition going of the obnoxious loudmouth that fans love to have

Terry United States Profile image 100x100
# 4

I agree also. The more of a loud mouth, the more crowd he and others like him draw, the better. It makes for better coverage for the teams.

Chris United States Profile image 100x100
# 5

Anyone else not surprised reading this? I think he is a great player but not so great that he shouldn't be put in his place. No player in the league is irreplaceable. Dallas has excused him to take care of a "family matter" but weren't more specific. Does anyone else think that the baggage he brings isn't worth the price? Chris

Terry United States Profile image 100x100
# 6

Yeah, I agree he's got a lot of baggage but if everybody on the team is cool with it, is it ok then? Or does he get liberties that the other players don't get?

Lord Stanley United States Profile image 100x100
# 7

Like TO or not, he definitely gets people talking. All of that talking also does help ticket sales I think, and TO is a great player. Do I like the guy? No, but I don't like a lot of players. You watch teams that are good, and T.O is talented.

George United States Profile image 100x100
# 8

I tend to agree with you LS and unfortunately the loudmouths get the press and the attention. They often detract from the other talent of the team and all to often focus attention on them when they don't always deserve it. George

Lord Stanley United States Profile image 100x100
# 9

I largely agree with you George, but let's face it: The Dallas Cowboys knew what they were getting themselves into, when they decided to hire on a player such as T.O. They knew he was a loudmouth, but they also knew he was a great player and even a crowd drawer.

Lord Stanley United States Profile image 100x100
# 10

Many Cowboys fans and Football fans in general HATE T.O, but the fact remains that he still gets many many people talking about him, which also generates interest in the team he plays for. T.O is hated, but hated in the kind of way that you can't help but watch him.

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