A cement mixer happens in baseball when the pitcher releases the ball with his entire hand while facing the batter. The axis, which the ball rotates, must face the hitter when doing this pitch.

More About Cement Mixer

The cement mixer spins sideways and resembles how an actual cement mixer turns in its fixed axis. It is a very tricky pitch because it will not break its spinning since the friction is on the ball’s wrong sides. The intent is to break out from the strike zone. It is also called an unintentional slow fastball.

Other Types of Pitches

If you want to help yourself recognize a pitch by the time it gets thrown, you should read more about it and watch videos to help you know better. There are different movements you have to understand. So, when the time comes that the pitch is about to happen, you can get ready and make contact with the baseball.

  • Four-seam fastball: This is thefastest of all the fastballs you canexecute when you pitch. You shouldhave the best command to executethis properly.
  • Two-seam fastball: This pitch isalso called a sinker because itskinks. It is a good pitch if onewants to induce ground balls. Thebatter will have a difficult timetrying to hit this because it goesstraight to the ground.
  • Cut-fastball: This is slower than afour-seam fastball but is still goodto make hitters panic.
  • Split-finger fastball: Here, it alsodives down at the home plate, but itdives down hard. Many players misshitting this type of pitch.
  • Change-up: This type of pitch isslower than a fastball. However, itgets thrown the same way a fastballgets thrown. To make this happen,the pitcher should control the armspeed to be a compelling pitch. Itaims to deceive the batter becausehe would think the baseball willcome in fast, but it will be a slowpitch in actuality. Hence, he willswing before the ball comes.
  • Curveball: This is the most commonpitch used to guarantee a strikeout.It also dives down as it gets to thehome plate, but it is much slowerthan a fastball.